Monday, June 15, 2009

In the minds of The Fashion Addicts: Is chivalry dead?

Pronunciation [shiv-uh l-ree]

(1) the sum of the ideal qualifications of a knight, including courtesy, generosity, valor, and dexterity in arms (2) code of male ethics (3) gallant warriors or gentlemen

Check out this video and listen to Fonzworth Bentley’s opinion

Soooo now that we know what it means & have heard a few opinions, Ladies how do you feel about this topic? How many men have you dated that have opened your car door, pulled out your chair? We can’t speak for all men, but to find one who is still chivalrous is like finding a diamond in the ruff. Back in the day chivalry was a definite in a relationship. So what’s up with men these days? Maybe it isn’t important or maybe they just feel women don’t deserve it because we have such independent attitudes. Whatever the case is, it’s an interesting topic to discuss. So is it dead or just on life support? That is the question. Share your feelings.

Source:, msn,

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